
As a non-profit ministry, volunteers are essential in order for LifeWorks to exist. There are multiple areas where volunteers are needed; from serving as life coaches to women in need, to preparing meals, to driving women to doctors appointments. This is an exciting way for women to serve Christ. Many of our volunteers feel that their own lives are vastly enriched and nourished by giving back to God in this way; and, as a bonus, they come away with new relationships with other women.


If you are willing to help in any way, please fill out and submit the form below, and we will be in contact with you. 

Ways to Volunteer and Donate

 Here is our needs list for the year:

  • Pray without ceasing. The most important thing you can do for LifeWorks is take up the banner of prayer for us. The participants are taking a huge step for transformation and change and we know that only comes from the Father. The staff and volunteers need to be covered so we can stay in league with the Lord and lead in a way to bring glory to His name.
  • Monthly Financial Support
  • Mentor for each participant
  • We need 2 meals a week for class days - Monday & Tuesday
  • Healthy lunch and snack
  • Gift cards from Walmart or grocery store to purchase food for breakfast and lunch
  • Bottled water
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Hand soap (liquid)
  • Feminine hygiene products
  • Office Supplies - copier paper,  page protectors,  post its, tape
  • Gift cards from Staples or Sam's Club for us to use to purchase office supplies and supplies for the participants
  • Paper Products (kitchen and bathroom) - plates, cups, plastic ware, paper towels, toilet paper

Anything you want to do to make the girls feel loved and special!! 







58 Montgomery Street, Waynesville, NC 28786       828-564-3519 or 828-283-9587

Lifeworks28786@gmail.com  Lifeworksnc.org  Follow us on Facebook: Lifeworks Enrichment Training Center


Be a LifeWorks Mentor Coach!

Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.